In November 1989, a grouip of concerned citizens and railroad enthusiasts formed The 4000 Foundation, LTD, a non-profit foundation dedicated to preserving and restoring the La Crosse Short Line Railroad display in Copeland Park. The 4000 Foundation is also responsible for publication of the book “Grand Crossings” Railroading and people in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Rail Fair, held annually in July at Copeland Park, is our most visible and entertaining fund raising event. For that one day each year, The La Crosse Short Line comes to life! The display is open for tours, The 4000’s whistle blows. Telegraphers pound out Morse code train orders and messages. Railroaders and enthusiasts relive the golden age of railroading in the locomotive cab, caboose cupola and tower office. In the shelter, a railroad show and sale features model and toy trains, memorabilia, railroad exhibits and displays, along with food and entertainment.
© 4000 Foundation, LTD. 2025.